PRP injections for hair loss

Hair loss can be an emotional issue for many patients.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) is derived from your very own blood and has been used for years to treat musculoskeletal conditions and more recently, skin conditions. It has been popularized as “vampire” treatments when injected into the skin or used after microneedling to improve skin texture and appearance. More recently, PRP has been gaining a lot of attention as a promising treatment for one of the most challenging conditions in dermatology – hair loss.

What is Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP)?

Platelets are an important component of blood and are extremely important in wound healing and cellular growth. They contain growth factors that promote cell growth and regeneration. PRP contains a much more concentrated number of platelets than regular blood.

How Does PRP work for hair loss?

When injected deep into the scalp, the PRP concentrates around the hair follicles and stimulates a specialized group of stem cells that plays a crucial role in hair growth. This leads to reversing the miniaturization of the hair follicles and jumpstarting dormant hair back into the growth phase. Hairs can then regrow and existing hairs become thicker and healthier.

How is PRP done?

This quick injection involves the collection and concentration of your body’s own platelets using a very easy three-step process

Frequently asked questions

How do I know I am a good candidate for PRP?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Loren Franco for a thorough evaluation, proper diagnosis, and treatment plan

How many treatments are required?

Treatments will vary based on your need. Initially, we recommend 3 to 4 treatments spaced 1 month apart. After the initial treatment, we suggest maintenance treatments 2 to 4 times per year.

How long does each treatment take?

Collecting the PRP takes 10 minutes and the PRP treatment itself takes an additional 10 minutes.

Does the procedure hurt?

Most patients tolerate the procedure without any significant pain or discomfort. We utilize different anesthetic solutions that can be used before or during the treatment itself to limit discomfort. Patients often experience a sensation of pressure or a headache that can last for an hour or so after the procedure.

Is there any recovery time?

There is no downtime or long recovery process. You may take a shower and wash your hair on the evening of the treatment. We recommend avoiding harsh dyes or chemicals for 48 hours after the treatment.